Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Catnap, anyone?

Feeling like this today. Just one of those days when even that extra cup of jo or tea doesn't get you going. It's like you're moving in slow motion and your brain is half asleep. Dishes are piled up in the sink, toys are strewn about the house, beds are unmade, four loads of laundry need to be done, doggy poop needs picking up in the backyard, floors need to be swept and mopped, my daughter needs to be picked up from preschool in an hour, and endless other chores. You're dressed in that old slouchy misshapen ugly sweat pant (the one you should have thrown out 5 years ago) with an equally abhorrent stretched out and curiously stained t-shirt (that your husband hates and you rescued from the trash when he tossed it out last month). Any other day and you would not be caught dead wearing this ensemble in public or even going through a drive-thru. Those who know me, know that I "dress-up" to go to Home Depot where the average hot look is paint splattered jeans and steel-toed work boots. It is that bad today. Before I get up and GO, I want to take a little catnap or veg out in front of the TV for an hour to watch the latest episode of Rachel Zoe Project. Catnap or Rachel Zoe? Hmmm...oh decisions, decisions. 

P.S. The cat is NOT ours...a puppy is enough!

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