Friday, March 5, 2010

Like walking through a Salvador Dali painting

Driving home after volunteering in my son's 1st grade class for the morning, I see the "For Sale by ReMax" sign planted on my lawn. Surreal moment seeing this foreign object sticking out of my otherwise nicely manicured lawn. Surreal because I feel like I'm wandering aimlessly through Salvador Dali's painting titled "The Persistence of Memory." These melting watches are said to symbolize the irrelevance of time.  As I meander around in the painting, I'm trying to take hold of time--to grasp these clocks. However, I can't seem to get a good grip. It seems my frustration lies not within the irrelevance of time but its absolute relevance. Absolute because there is no stopping linear time. We are selling the house. Eventually it will be sold. Our time in the midwest (at least for now) has come to an end. We will move to SF. We will live in a high-rise apartment in downtown SF for six months. The six month lease will come to an end. We will buy a house in the suburbs. The kids will go to school somewhere. They will graduate high school. They will graduate college. They will get married. They will have a family. I will be a grandmother. And so on.

Time marches forth with every tick and tock. And it waits for no one. This is our reality.

I feel like throwing up. I want to pull out that For Sale sign off my lawn. I want to turn back time and relive the last seven years in our home again. Don't wake me from this dream. Just let me linger a few tick tocks more.


  1. It's true! There's not stopping time, but you have many years' worth of fabulous future memories to look forward to...

  2. You're right Miss Platespinner! I'm definitely looking forward to the fabulous future...whatever it may bring.
